"I think we're all fortunate here at the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia to have tremendous examples of strong women leaders who empower all of us each and every day."
Department Highlight A Closer Look at Financial Resource Development (FRD) Affinity Groups
FRD staff Identify, cultivate, solicit, engage and steward prospects and donors in the Greater Philadelphia Jewish community. Among the department, there are various affinity groups which provide an entry way for community members to connect with each other and realize the power of their philanthropic investment within the Jewish Federation.
Two of these affinity groups are Women of Vision and Women's Philanthropy:
Women of Vision impacts the lives of self-identifying Jewish women and girls through advocacy, educational programs and grantmaking that lead to social change. Members join at a one-time commitment to the WOV Endowment Fund and vote each year to choose where the funding is allocated. On March 14, Women of Vision hosted a special briefing about the war's impact on women.
Women's Philanthropy represents women at all ages and stages who gather to connect, volunteer, travel, learn, and develop their leadership skills, all in support of the Jewish Federation's annual campaign. On March 18, Women's Philanthropy volunteered at JFCS' Our Closet in Your Neighborhood.
Lindsay Davidman
Women's Philanthropy Director
Steward and solicitation
Maintain Relationships with Major Donors
Shara Swift
Women of Vision Director
Steward and solicitation
Maintain Relationships with Major Donors
This is not the full department — just a snapshot! Stay tuned as we rotate and come back through departments with other iterations of the newsletter to see the faces around the office.
Take A Break
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Get to Know Your Coworker
Daniel Nash, Staff Accountant
Two Truths and a Lie
Below are three statements about Daniel. Two are true, one is false. Click on the statement you think is false.
Congratulations to Jonathan Schmalzbach, Community Engagement Specialist for Old York Road, on the marriage of his son.
Do you have a mazel (good news) you want to share?
Submit your photo and a brief description to Rachel Cohen, Marketing Coordinator, at rcohen@jewishphilly.org.
Grantee Spotlight
Civil Commission on October 7 Crimes by Hamas Against Women and Children
In response to the atrocities committed against women and girls in Israel, Women of Vision awarded a special one-time grant of $30,000 to the Civil Commission on October 7 Crimes by Hamas Against Women and Children. This grant was made in commemoration of Women of Vision’s 30th anniversary through an anonymous donation, separate from the Women of Vision Endowment Fund.
"In a world of silence and denial – most notably by leading women’s rights organizations – this grant is a statement that we stand with Israel and the victims of October 7 and we will continue to speak out about the systematic and deliberate gender and sexual-based violence that Hamas committed."
- Andi Barsky, Women of Vision Chair
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, Two Commerce Square, 2001 Market Street, Suite 2300, Philadelphia, PA 19103, United States, 215.832.0500